Aminet 24
Aminet 24 (1998)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Apr 1998].iso
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Assembly Source File
995 lines
; 100% systemfriendly ChunkyToPlanar converter for use with intuition
; screens in applications/games/whatever.
; Coded in 1994 by Morten Eriksen.
; Reach me through email: mortene@stud.unit.no.
; Use and modify as you like - give credit where appropriate.
; Timings on my A1200 with 68EC020 and 32-bit fastram:
; Testcase Dimensions This routine C='s WritePixelArray8
; 1 320x256x5 - 15 frames (0.30 seconds) 33 frames
; 2 320x256x8 - 16 frames (0.32 seconds) 51 frames
; 3 640x512x4 - 63 frames (1.26 seconds) 100 frames
; 4 1024x1024x1 - 194 frames (3.88 seconds) 101 frames
; 5 752x578x8 - 88 frames (1.76 seconds) 250 frames
; Please help me speed up this sucker - the main bottleneck is the
; 'convert32pixels' subroutine (e.g. in the 3rd testcase, 60 out of
; 63 frames are spent in this routine). As you can see, it gets worse
; on less bitplanes (compared to C='s routine) - but on 8-bit bitmaps it's
; about 3 times as fast. If you improve it, be sure to repost the improved
; version to Usenet, or send it to me through email.
xdef _ChunkyToPlanarAsm
; This routine takes a buffer of chunkybytes and transform it into
; planar datas, which are directly inserted into the destination BitMap.
; As a replacement for C='s WritePixelArray8 routine, this one is on average
; about twice as fast and works directly on bitmaps (instead of RastPorts).
; All cases handled (any width and height > 0, no alignment restrictions).
; Works on OCS/ECS/AGA, all Kickstarts and any MC680x0 CPU.
; The downside is that it does not do clipping and does not work with
; interleaved bitmaps (support for interleaved bitmaps should be piece of
; cake to implement, though).
; C interface:
; extern void __asm ChunkyToPlanarAsm(register __a0 struct c2pStruct *);
; struct c2pStruct
; {
; struct BitMap *bmap;
; UWORD startX, startY, width, height;
; UBYTE *chunkybuffer;
; } c2p;
; c2p.bmap = mybitmap;
; c2p.startX = x0;
; c2p.startY = y0;
; c2p.width = x1 - x0 + 1;
; c2p.height = y1 - y0 + 1;
; c2p.chunkybuffer = chunkybytes;
; ChunkyToPlanarAsm(&c2p);
; CopySBitMap(mywindow->RPort->Layer);
; Assembler interface:
; In: a0 - c2p struct.
; Out: Nothing.
; ** BitMap struct **
BytesPerRow EQU 0 ; UWORD
Rows EQU 2 ; UWORD
Flags EQU 4 ; UBYTE
Depth EQU 5 ; UBYTE
Planes EQU 8 ; PLANEPTRs [8]
; ** c2p struct **
bmap EQU 0 ; struct BitMap *
startX EQU 4 ; UWORD
startY EQU 6 ; UWORD
width EQU 8 ; UWORD
height EQU 10 ; UWORD
chunkybuffer EQU 12 ; UBYTE *
Section code,CODE
movem.l d2-d7/a2-a6,-(sp)
tst.b madetable * need only make bitspreadtable once
bne.s table_made
bsr.w make_table
* find number of not bytealigned pixels at left side of frame and
* the mask to be used
moveq #0,d0
move.w startX(a0),d0
andi.w #%111,d0
tst.w d0
beq.s leadno
move.w d0,d1
moveq #8,d0
sub.w d1,d0
move.b #$ff,d1
lsl.b d0,d1
move.b d1,andval_lead
leadno move.w d0,leadingbits
move.w width(a0),d0
cmp.w leadingbits,d0
bhs.s notsingle
* in case the whole chunkypixels buffer to be inserted fits into
* a single byte
move.b #$80,d1
subq #1,d0
asr.b d0,d1
addq #1,d0
moveq #8,d2
sub.w leadingbits,d2
lsr.b d2,d1
not.b d1
move.b d1,andval_single
clr.w trailingbits
bra.s single
clr.b andval_single
* find number of not bytealigned pixels at right side of frame and
* the mask to be used
sub.w leadingbits,d0
move.w d0,d1
andi.w #$fff8,d1
sub.w d1,d0
move.w d0,trailingbits
move.b #$ff,d1
lsr.b d0,d1
move.b d1,andval_trail
* initialize variables to be used (modulo, bytealigned width, etc)
move.l bmap(a0),a1
move.l chunkybuffer(a0),a3
moveq #0,d0
move.b Depth(a1),d0
move.w d0,depth
move.w height(a0),Height
move.w width(a0),Width
move.w leadingbits,d1
sub.w d1,Width
move.w trailingbits,d1
sub.w d1,Width
move.w Width,GWidth
move.w BytesPerRow(a1),Modulo
tst.b andval_single
bne.s singlebyte
move.w Width,d0
lsr.w #3,d0
sub.w d0,Modulo
tst.w leadingbits
beq.s nolead
sub.w #1,Modulo
nolead tst.w trailingbits
beq.s notrail
sub.w #1,Modulo
* find initial offset in bytes into bitmap given by (startX, startY)
moveq #0,d0
move.w startX(a0),d0
lsr.w #3,d0
move.w startY(a0),d1
tst.w d1
beq.s line0
moveq #0,d2
move.w BytesPerRow(a1),d2
subq #1,d1
add.l d2,d0
dbra d1,makeoffset
move.l d0,a2
* find jumpaddress for planar data insertion into bitmap
* (depending on bitmap depth)
move.l a1,a6
add.l #Planes,a6
lea insertpointerslong,a4
lea insertpointers,a5
moveq #0,d7
move.w depth,d7
lsl.w #2,d7
add.l d7,a6
move.l a6,planepointerspointer
subq #4,d7
add.l d7,a4
add.l d7,a5
move.l (a4),insertpointerlong
move.l (a5),insertpointer
lea c2p,a4
; a0 - c2p struct, a1 - bmap,
; a2 - offset from Planes pointer, a3 - chunkybuffer
; a4 - bitspread table
* check if whole width fits into a single byte and take
* appropriate action if this is the case
tst.b andval_single
beq.s testlead
bsr.w insertsinglebytebits
bra.w trailno
* is the frame _not_ left bytealigned ?
tst.w leadingbits
beq.b convert8pixels
bsr.w insertleadingbits
* done?
tst.w Width
beq.s rowdone
* check if we can do a speedier 32 pixels in one go conversion...
cmp.w #32,Width
blo.s nolong
* test odd/even address to be compatible with 68000 aswell *
move.l Planes(a1),d0
add.l a2,d0
btst #0,d0
bne.s nolong
bsr.w convert32pixels
sub.w #32,Width
addq #4,a2
bra.s convert8pixels
nolong * ...rather than the slower 8 pixel conversion
moveq #0,d0
moveq #0,d4
moveq #8-1,d1
* find correct bitspreadtable offset -> a4 *
moveq #0,d2
move.b (a3)+,d2
lsl.w #3,d2
* insert bitrow *
add.l d0,d0
or.l 0(a4,d2.w),d0
addq #4,d2
add.l d4,d4
or.l 0(a4,d2.w),d4
dbra d1,convert8bytes
* spread bits to all registers *
move.b d0,d3
lsr.w #8,d0
move.b d0,d2
swap d0
move.b d0,d1
lsr.w #8,d0
move.b d4,d7
lsr.w #8,d4
move.b d4,d6
swap d4
move.b d4,d5
lsr.w #8,d4
cmp.w #8,depth
beq.s its8
move.l a2,d7
its8 move.l planepointerspointer(pc),a6
move.l insertpointer(pc),a5
jsr (a5)
addq #1,a2
subq #8,Width
bra.w convert8pixels
* are there any non bytealigned pixels remaining at the right side
* of the frame?
tst.w trailingbits
beq.b trailno
bsr.w inserttrailingbits
trailno move.w GWidth,Width
add.w Modulo,a2
subq #1,Height
tst.w Height
bne.w convertlines
movem.l (sp)+,d2-d7/a2-a6
insertdata: * insert converted 8 pixels c->p data into the bitmap
plane8 move.l -(a6),a5
add.l a2,a5
move.b d7,(a5)
move.l a2,d7
plane7 move.l -(a6),a5
move.b d6,0(a5,d7.l)
plane6 move.l -(a6),a5
move.b d5,0(a5,d7.l)
plane5 move.l -(a6),a5
move.b d4,0(a5,d7.l)
plane4 move.l -(a6),a5
move.b d3,0(a5,d7.l)
plane3 move.l -(a6),a5
move.b d2,0(a5,d7.l)
plane2 move.l -(a6),a5
move.b d1,0(a5,d7.l)
plane1 move.l -(a6),a5
move.b d0,0(a5,d7.l)
insertdatalong: * insert converted 32 pixels c->p data into the bitmap
plane8l move.l -(a6),a5
add.l a2,a5
move.l d7,(a5)
move.l a2,d7
plane7l move.l -(a6),a5
move.l d6,0(a5,d7.l)
plane6l move.l -(a6),a5
move.l d5,0(a5,d7.l)
plane5l move.l -(a6),a5
move.l d4,0(a5,d7.l)
plane4l move.l -(a6),a5
move.l d3,0(a5,d7.l)
plane3l move.l -(a6),a5
move.l d2,0(a5,d7.l)
plane2l move.l -(a6),a5
move.l d1,0(a5,d7.l)
plane1l move.l -(a6),a5
move.l d0,0(a5,d7.l)
insertpointer dc.l